Is Your Child A Good Candidate For Dental Sealants?

Dentist Blog

If your child is struggling with cavities, your dentist might recommend dental sealants. Sealants are thin layers of resin that your dentist can apply to tooth pits and the grooves of your child's teeth. Sealants can help prevent cavities because they act as a layer of protection for enamel. Because sealants reduce the risk of decay, your child may not need restorative procedures, like root canals, crowns, etc. in the future.

21 December 2020

4 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Dental Care

Dentist Blog

General dentists specialize in tooth and gum care. However, your dentist can only help you if you see them regularly for dental check-ups. These four tips will help you get the most out of your normal dentist appointments: 1. Don't skip routine appointments. You may be tempted to skip a dental appointment, especially when life gets hectic. If you're not experiencing pain or irritation, skipping a single dental appointment may even seem sensible.

4 November 2020

Services Offered By Special-Needs Dentists

Dentist Blog

Whether you're an adult with special needs or the parent of a child with special needs, going to a dentist that caters to your situation can make taking care of your dental health easier. Here are a few of the extra services offered by special-needs dentists that can transform your dental care experience. Education From sensory adjustments to unique dental differences, a patient with special needs could require many forms of personalization when it comes to their dental care.

5 June 2020